Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Conference in Germany

I realized that I am so far behind I didn’t even share about the conference I was able to attend in Germany.  Of course that conference and my traveling is part of the reason I am so far behind.  
I understand I have a very different deployment then most, I have talked about that many times, however there a a ton of jobs over here that are not what everyone thinks we are doing.  We do a lot of training, a lot of helping support the economy and then a whole lot of other stuff.  And because we deploy so many people over here we do military justice over here which is why I am over here.  One of the things abut Law is similar to a lot of careers is that it is ever changing, things build, laws change new case law comes out “fixing” and issue.  As such we have to continually learn and adjust to the changes.  One of those ways is by going to conferences often called Continuing legal education.  This conference in Germany was one of those types of things.
The conference itself was very good, we learned some of the future changes in Army and Military Justice system.  We discussed some of the recent cases that have come out and what they mean for our practice.  We also met several other defense attorneys from the Europe region, I got to see old friends and meet new ones it was a great trip over all.
The conference wasn’t the only thing good, being away eating food (good food) and seeing new places was very cool too.  I had never been to Germany so I added that country to my list as well and it is a beautiful place.  I could be stationed in Europe, just for the travel opportunities alone.  Here are some pictures of my trip.

Been a while I’m sorry

So it has been a really long time since I posted and I promised it wouldn’t be that long.  Since getting back from R and R things got really busy, I moved from one case to the next and tried to keep my head on straight being here.  I don’t know how “bloggers” do it staying consistent and  keeping things updated. 
It had been two months since I posted last, but I have two months left and I am going to finish strong I have decided.  Or at least work really hard at it.