Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is in a Year

          When you start out you think a year is nothing, it will fly by.  And for the most part it has moved quickly I am already 5 months in and it really hasn’t been so bad.  But stop and think of all the things happen in a year and you realize how much you miss.  How much someone is giving up by coming over here to insure continued safety and freedom.  You miss everyone’s birthdays, you miss every holiday that you gather with your family and share a meal, discussion and fun times.  You summer fun of sitting by the pool getting a tan or going on vacation.  You miss every back yard barbeque that your friends have.  You miss a year of everyone’s life, with limited communication with them you are out of everyone’s life for a year.  People change a lot in a year, they move on with their lives and keep things going while yours sits on hold for a year, because you are over here.

In a year friends get married, and have children, family and friends pass away, get sick are in the hospital, and you sit helpless halfway around the world hoping that people keep you informed.  You miss out on your high school reunion, you miss your dad’s retirement, you miss life for a year.  Sometimes it becomes too much because everyone around you everyone you love their life goes on while you are on hold.   The Soldier knows they are doing something they can be proud of that they are serving their country but when you add up all that is missed all that happens in their absence you start to understand a little bit that the life of a Soldier is not easy, no matter what job you have

 Life goes on for the people back home, the Soldier waits anxiously to be able to get back involved but people have formed new friendships adjusted their life and it is hard.  But a Soldier does it over and over again because we know that being a Soldier is a calling a way of life.  So just remember when you see a Soldier returning home or what that is gone remember all the things they missed out on so that you would not miss out on anything. 

Soldier’s Creed

I am an American Soldier.

I am a Warrior and a member of a team.  I serve the people of the United States of America and Live the army values

I will always place the mission first

I will never accept defeat

I will never quit

I will never leave a fallen comrade

I am disciplined, Physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.  I always maintain my army, my equipment and myself.

I am an expert and I am a professional.

I stand ready to deploy, engage and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.

I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life

I am an American Soldier

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