Well at least a window anyway which is a huge difference. This morning was my first morning waking up with light coming into my room it was a nice change. My previous room as I have written about in other posts did not have a window, it was in the middle of a two story metal building, no light or air got into that room. It was kind of depressing, and I figured out very difficult to wake up in the morning in. I would be in a grouchy mood when I would wake up because it went from pitch black to florescent lighting when I turned on the lights. Not fun!! But I had adjusted and made it my own as much as a 7 by 7 room can be. As of late I have been talking to people and I was offered the opportunity to move rooms. I wasn’t going to at first, honestly I don’t know why. I think part of it was not wanting to be superior to anyone, others are on the inside and without windows, but, then I started thinking about it and decided I would move across the hall and get a window.
I am really glad I did, even though the sun does come up at 4:30 here, just so you know that is am early mornings. But it is so nice to have light real light shining in and not always be under the florescent lights when I wake up. It is nice to have a little bit of natural light. This morning as I was waking up I realized I was happier, not as grouchy, and I was a bit more awake then I am when I wake up in total darkness. But I guess that is how it is with a lot of things, when you have real light you are always in a better place than when you are in total darkness.
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