Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm sorry I didn't write for so long!

When I started this blog I was realistic with myself that I knew I wouldn't write everyday, I was hoping once a week. When I first got here I had so much to write it was easy to keep things posted, then I got into a groove and finding or really making time to type became more difficult. But it was my laziness mostly that kept me from blogging more often but I at least got a few things up a month. Then some things happened here and I didn't want to blog, I was going through and have been going through a difficult time and honestly even now while I am nearing the end of it I still don't know what all to write about it but I am going to anyway because I know I need to. That is what this blog is about to remind me of everything that went on over here and to maybe help my family see what it is like or others.

So I am just at halfway through my deployment and I am vowing to do better, however don't expect a lot while I am on r and r because I intend to do a lot of relaxing!,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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