Sunday, August 28, 2011

A princess?!?

The other day I was sitting out chilling outside, sitting In my chair in what has now been deemed my spot, and one of my friends was sitting outside as well playing angry birds. This is a pass time we do often each with out iPod/iPad, sometimes we even switch around, anyway, we were sitting there occasionally talking and he tells me, "you know you are a princess right."

I laughed and thought about and said "a princess, what is that suppose to mean." He said he couldn't really explain it I just was.

I responded "well at least I'm not a FOB queen." (for those that don't know FOB queens are the nicknames for those women who, get around)

He got very embarrassed for a moment and quickly shuddered out, "no, no, that is not what I was saying at all. I just meant you are a princess, not the primp and prep kind but your a princess."

It made me laugh and I knew he didn't mean it as a bad thing but more as a compliment/explanation of me and the way I make friends. It did make me wonder more what he meant exactly but, I wasn't dwelling on it. Then the other day I was traveling and I was watching the wizard of oz on my iPad, and it hit me, he was saying I am Dorothy.

Sure enough I returned and ran into my friend and said, hey I think I am like Dorothy from the wizard of oz, And his response immediately was "yeah, like I said a princess."

I am not offended at all to be compared to Dorothy, and I knew he never meant to be offensive but I did at least in my head figure out what he was saying....

Dorothy is an independent girl who is happy and pretty much a joy to be around. She isn't afraid to stand up for those that she loves and she loves everyone she meets. She sees the best in them even when they don't see the good in themselves. She steps out and tries new things even when she is scared and she puts others ahead of herself.

Think about it, Dorothy stood up to the, witch when she wanted to take toto away, and she headed out on her own when she thought she was going to loose him. When she got to oz, and realized she wanted to go home she didn't sit down and wait she stood up and took the journey down the yellow brick road setting out alone. She met others along the way and knew that they had great qualities and asked them to come along, not for her but for them. (there is a whole lot more but you get my point I think). Anyway, there is no denying that those that she met along the way helped her and even rescued her, but, not because they had too, it was because they wanted to. They wanted to be her friend and help her just because of her personality, she wasn't helpless that is clear but she accepted help and was grateful for them. She was a princess but not a primp and prep princess she was a personality princess that others were drawn to for friendship.

Ok, all that being said I'm not suggesting that my friend thought that much into it, or even thought exactly that of me. And I am not saying I am those things or all the wonderful. I am not conceded at all, but, I'm just saying I'm not offended to be compared to Dorothy and I am ok with being a "princess". I know for a fact that I would not be where I am today if I didn't make friends who have helped me along during my journeys, the high times and the low times. Some of the lowest in recent years have been over here and I did meet my scarecrow, tin man, and lion (I won't call any of them cowardly), over here.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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