Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dorothy you are not in Kansas anymore

I haven't written in a while and it hasn't been because there hasn't been anything going on. Really it has been the opposite, so much going on yet stuff I don't really want to write about for several reasons. But slowly I will write about some if not most of stand other things I will keep to myself. Not because I can't write them but because it would not be the best thing to do.

Things have not or at least were not easy over here for a while. Not that it is ever easy being this far away from home with no family and no creature comforts but things were down right a nightmare for a while and it wasn't because I was stationed in a war zone. I was told I was too nice, that if I wanted to make it I needed to stop caring about people as much.this was after the battle I was fighting here that caused a lot of pain. (I'm not trying to be vague and information might come out slowly but right now I'd rather not share everything out of respect). Anyway I was told to stop being so nice, honestly I'm not even sure how to do this.

The statement did get me thinking, maybe I should not be so nice, or at least be more restrictive on who I am nice to. But, the more I thought about it, the more I realized nope I'm not going to change who I am or how I act because a group of people don't understand someone who is nice. I realized I was am surrounded by a bunch of people from the north and I am just a "simple Kentucky girl" to them. I realized I'm not in Kentucky anymore where people show respect to everyone by being nice and for the most part friendly.

I am not just a simple Kentucky girl, I have seen and done my share of different and new things learned a lot in my life and have a lot more to learn. I am honored though that a group of people do see me as a simple Kentucky girl, because even with the things I have seen and done, it means it hasn't taken me away from my roots. So I decided someone telling me I was too nice isn't going to take me away from who I am either. Who cares if everyone in a while someone takes advantage of my kindness or is crazy. You can't change those people but maybe I can have a positive impact on their life. All this is really to say some times difficult things occur and in the middle of it all, or at least at the end you can see true blessings in it. I am reminded that I like who I am and how I was raised, I could t imagine myself any other way!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. The Army must have a low tolerance for niceness. You're a strong Kentucky woman who will lay the smack down when you have to. I've seen it - it's awesome! You just know that you don't have to do it all the time to be effective.

    Anyone who can't handle your niceness can suck it.
