Sunday, May 22, 2011

Things to be Thankful For

I haven’t posted something related to me being thankful in a little while and I apologize for that,  it is not that I am not thankful but simply I haven’t made the time to type it out.  I will be honest, part of that has been that I got my IPAD2 in the mail this week and I have been doing a lot of playing on it as well as seeing all the cool things I can do with it for work as well.  It is all playing.  I have also been pretty busy in the office.  The other two people in the office were traveling this week so I have been covering the whole office plus I have just had more work to do, which is something to be very thankful for.  At least for me I am thankful because it is making time pass and I feel useful.  

So I have a several things to be thankful for, and this week I have been very thankful for getting more involved with other things going on around here.  I received some very good advise from a wise woman to not let myself get too inwardly focused, because that is easy to do here, but to find ways to be outwardly focused.  I have been working on that.  One thing I did last week was work with Operation Outreach Afghanistan, this week was more difficult to do because there was no one to cover the office, but it was nice to get packages together for Afghan children for others to take and give out.  I will be going and getting more involved in that.  

I have also, as i have talked about before stated singing in the praise band for the church service  I go to and that has been a lot of fun and really an amazing time.  I am not an amazing singer but  I can carry a tune and it is nice to help others prepare and worship.  And I am thankful because there are a few things that go on around the post and I have started attending some things to get out with a few people I’ve met here and I have been meeting more people.  I have a while before I get home and so I plan to make the most of my time here.  I am thankful that we are all in similar situations so that we can all be comrades and friends no matter how different we are.

I have so much more to be thankful for!

A bit if a Rant

Todays rant is the gossip that is going on in the military, especially down range.  This environment seems to foster a gossip mentality.  Especially if that gossip is about women.  How can the army say it is all about equal opportunity when a man and a woman can’t even be friends, without facing an investigation and harassment about where they are all the time.  The deployed military environment invites people to gossip and we are rewarding those who gossip and start rumors rather than discouraging the gossip.  The gossip and rumors and talking behind backs is what is causing the prejudice to good order and discipline not the friendship between the male and female.
Sadly commander foster this mentality by joining in rather than stopping it.  The command climate is set up to foster the rumors, to have a good joke at someone else’s expense.  Since when is going to meal and the gym with someone inappropriate yet that is exactly what has become inappropriate for males and females to do.  Because if they are seen together more then a couple times then they must be doing more then just eating together and hanging out.  It is hard for women to have friends and not be the subject of at least some gossip and speculation let there aren't many of us, so who are we suppose to hang out with.
We are conducting the don’t ask don’t tell training currently with eyes of resending that law this coming October, and yet the army isn’t even ok with a male and a female being a battle buddy, how will they ever be ok with homosexuals in the military.  Deployments are hard times and friendships are hard things to make and they are encouraged by commands, so long as command approves of who you are friends with and how much time you spend with them.  I understand the need for certain rules don't get me wrong, i have been in many debate over that, but there is an extreme.  Most commands require lower enlisted to always have a battle buddy for safety, unfortunately sexual assault is a very real thing, and for women that risk is great.  Yet we say to often that two people are spend too much time together, so in an environment were it is already hard to make friends you have to make confidants with several people so you don't get gossiped about.  Shouldn’t someone feeling safe, obviously within guidelines, be more important then worrying about gossip. 
It is almost the middle school/high school atmosphere of drama and rumor starting, and commands are doing nothing about it.  In fact they are punishing the ones who are trying to stop the rumors and gossip, when they themselves should be the ones stopping it.  If a soldier confronts another soldier about a rumor the confronter is getting reprimanded for being mean or moved for causing problems.  But, what about the one who is spreading gossip and making up the rumor because they want to be cool or because they have nothing better to do.  Therejust almost never evidence of an inappropriate relationship just,  simply a male and female spend too much time together and therefore one could assume that it must be inappropriate. 
Finally, we receive constant training about suicide rates increasing and how feelings of depression and loneliness are ramped in deployed and post deployment soldiers yet now we are telling female soldiers they cannot spend too much time with a man even in a completely plutonic friendship and always in public because others might gossip about it.  
This mentality fosters the old boys club and the continual degrading of women which is occurring daily over here.  No one complains when two men are hanging out all the time they dine together, and go to the gym, even go to the showers at the same time, yet they are not receiving letters of reprimand, because no one has decided to gossip about them.  No one has decided that they want to spy or ease drop on their conversations and make completely innocent situations dirty and despicable.  We are not concerned that the two men are standing just a little too close together, because that is not as fun to make into something wrong and gossip worthy. This letter establishes that allowing gossip to continue is more important and favorable to the command then ensuring that Soldier have a support system in the deployed environment when the threat of sexual assault is very real, and suicide is on the rise. Instead of shutting down the gossipers we have decided that it is better to risk a soldier not having anyone to talk to, allow a female soldier to get harassed and degrading looks, and to risk being by themselves at the wrong time, because the army is instigating segregation between genders.   This allows the gossip to continue and the rumors to dictate command action.


This is not about me, or something has happened to me, this is just my observations based on the work that I do and the things I have had to work on while here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I have been writing about things I am thankful for, for a few reasons, most of which I discussed in a previous post.  I am really trying to stay positive because in this environment it is very easy to get down, there isn’t a lot to do, and people are more negative here, they find reasons to be negative and it can be depressing.  So I have decided to focus on the things to be thankful for, but, this blog is about the full experience, not just a pep talk for me.  This blog is something that I can have to remind myself of this experience, all of this experience.  
I have had trouble sleeping here.  Honestly I had trouble sleep some at home too but here it has been pretty bad.  It has gotten better since a friend sent me a mattress pad and the mattress topper I ordered from Amazon finally got here.  Before that even if I wanted to sleep I couldn’t  because the bed was so uncomfortable it was like sleeping directly on the strings.  Every time I moved I would get pocked so at night I had to stay extremely still or I would wake myself up, assuming I could get to sleep.  But it wasn’t or I should say isn’t just the mattress that is causing me not to sleep.  Now that I have the mattress toppers by bed it amazingly comfortable, and I still find myself laying looking up at the ceiling and wondering why I am still wide awake.
Part of it is I hear everything, all the noises and sounds in the hallway.  The building that I live in is not insulated so when someone is talking to load in their room next to or behind me I can hear them and they can hear me.  And when some one is talking in the hallway you can hear everything!  And I am already sensitive to noises when I am trying to sleep, if it is too quiet I can’t sleep because I am listen for the noises, so I have to have some background noise to cover all the sounds in the night.  But here I have found it even more difficult.  Maybe because I am listening even more for thing, or because the sounds aren’t always familiar, I don’t know.  Today thought, this morning, I think I got a glimpse of one of the problems.   
Being here most days isn’t all that bad as far as threat and danger is concerned, at least not for me, I mean I am a lawyer, as I always say if I have to fire my weapon on the base then something has seriously gone wrong.  But that doesn’t change the fact that we are still in a war zone and have threats, and one morning I did wake up to sounds of small arms fire at one of our gates.  This morning I heard noises and I woke up, it was nothing someone doing something in their room, but enough for me to wake up and wonder what was going on.  I realized I am listening I am waiting to see if I hear anything.  That is why in part I don’t sleep well, because I am listening to make sure I don’t hear a sound that is out of place.
When I do hear a sound that is not normal, I wait shutting off everything that makes noise or stopping my discussion to see if we will get warning telling us what to do next, whether I need to go to get my gear on and go to the bunkers.  Yesterday While sitting in my office with a client a plane flying over set off some flares, and I stopped what I was doing and just waited to see what was going to happen if anything.  I wasn’t afraid or fearful, just waiting to make sure everything was ok.  I am adjusting to that being a way of life.  Again, It is not that I am scared or frightened when I see or hear something, but it is a fact of life here.  It is different, listening for noises and seeing what is going to happen and subconsciously I am listening for it most of the time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Alamo Trip

I just returned from traveling, I had to go to a different camp in the area for some work actually for two separate cases, so the trip became more worth it to travel.  With everything that went on last week a trip at the end of that week worried me a little and for good reason I didn’t tell people I was traveling.  As has been the case travel over here is not easy, at Trial Defense, we don’t have a movement team, we would barely have enough people in country to have a movement team if we even wanted one.  So I found some people going my direction and worked out arrangements with them.  However that ride didn’t show or at least was very late, but as luck would have it while waiting for the first ride I met another movement team that travels around quite a bit and they offer me a ride.  It worked out nicely because they brought me back to camp too, a couple days later, as well as gave me contact information incase I had any more travel to do, most of them were reservists out of Kentucky so we bonded quickly. 

It is always interesting to drive through the town and see everything, I wish I could take pictures but I'm always in the back of the up armored cars so it is hard to get a picture, we aren't really strolling through.  But honestly it breaks my heart, and truth be told I'm kind of sad that we will be leaving because it is going to get a lot worse, you can see the benefits we have provided them and it isn't much but it is something.  They don't have a lot of buildings most of those were destroyed years ago and only rubble stands.  I have been told if I think it is bad now I should have seen it when we first got here, there was nothing.  Now there are cars everywhere and construction equipment.  Now as you drive along the road there are a lot of roadside stands and "shops" I mean the entire road is covered with them.  They are sometimes brick buildings but most of the time they are Conexes (which are the storage containers that we use to ship things over here) or they are very rickety wooden structures, some are building that were obviously destroyed and it is amazing that they are still standing.  There is trash everywhere, and the kids just play in the trash and on the side of the road.  I think about how many local nationals work on or around the bases and can’t imagine what they did for support before.  It is a different way of life that is for sure.  I don't know what this place will be like when we leave and are not putting money into the economy, hopefully it will thrive in its own way. 

This is everything pretty much
I went to camp Alamo, and boy is it small, I thought camp phoenix was compact but this place is small hardly much room to even move around.  There are very few officers on the camp at all, and even less females, the entire three days I was there I saw only 4 female contractors and 2 Jordanian military females.  I asked someone and they honestly could think of any female military, I’m sure there are some but it was different that is for sure.

While there I woke up on the second day feeling a little under the weather, not really sick but just not right.  At one point that morning I was in a board hearing and I just started feeling terrible, I got really flush really fast, there was a doctor on the board, we took a break from proceedings and I went with the doctor to the troop medical clinic to get checked out because it has come on so quickly.  Come to find out I have been dehydrated because I have been drinking too much water and not enough other stuff (non coke products), you know juices or Gatorade.  So I am working on correcting that and have been doing much better.  So all in all the trip was actually very productive.

The trip did make me realize that I have a lot to be thankful for here although they did have cheesecakes, we don’t have those here.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Jumping for Joy

I was traveling at the end of last week, so I didn’t have access to the Internet so I was unable to post, I got back on Saturday and had to catch up on work emails and the new cases.  I have a lot to be thankful for, I will write about the ones from my travels later, I started that blog entry and it will be up soon.  

First, is that I got a lot done on my trip, it ended up being a multipurpose trip I worked on two cases, and I found out why I have not been feeling all that great.  I am starting to get some stuff to do which is helping me feel more needed an important here so that has been very nice.  

So anyway, today is Monday here and yesterday obviously was Sunday, I have started singing in the praise band at the contemporary service and yesterday we sang “I’m Trading my Sorrows” if you haven’t heard the song it is very good and uplifting.  Normally I am the one who stands there, not stiff but tapping my foot or whatever and that is about it, but during that song the bridge it repeats “yes lord…” and I have learned that you jump during that part (thanks to my time at Westside Baptist Church) So I started jumping and it was truly wonderful.  I know that sounds weird but it was, others started jumping as well and we just had a great time praising God and worshiping, everybody kind of loosened up a bit, which isn’t always easy over here.  I was truly blessed by that and thankful, that was something I have needed to feel for a long time, free and comfortable worshiping.  So that is what I’m thankful for today or yesterday.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thankful for the Gym

Today I am thankful for the Gym.  I like the fact that it is so close and I can just head over there, I am also thankful for it because I have met some people through my time in the gym.  I don't always want to go, that is for sure, sometimes I just want to go back to my room and lay down but I feel good after I go to the gym.

But, it is also a struggle, although I have met some people at the gym, I don't have anyone to go to the gym with, someone who is about the same level as I am.  Plus I run inside and it is stuffy and hot and with the already high altitude it is sometimes very difficult to breath and I would love to run outside but I don't want to run by myself.  So as thankful as I am for the gym so I can relieve stress and agitation, I also would ask that you pray that I find someone to work out with, someone that can push me and I can push to keep getting better.