Monday, May 9, 2011

Jumping for Joy

I was traveling at the end of last week, so I didn’t have access to the Internet so I was unable to post, I got back on Saturday and had to catch up on work emails and the new cases.  I have a lot to be thankful for, I will write about the ones from my travels later, I started that blog entry and it will be up soon.  

First, is that I got a lot done on my trip, it ended up being a multipurpose trip I worked on two cases, and I found out why I have not been feeling all that great.  I am starting to get some stuff to do which is helping me feel more needed an important here so that has been very nice.  

So anyway, today is Monday here and yesterday obviously was Sunday, I have started singing in the praise band at the contemporary service and yesterday we sang “I’m Trading my Sorrows” if you haven’t heard the song it is very good and uplifting.  Normally I am the one who stands there, not stiff but tapping my foot or whatever and that is about it, but during that song the bridge it repeats “yes lord…” and I have learned that you jump during that part (thanks to my time at Westside Baptist Church) So I started jumping and it was truly wonderful.  I know that sounds weird but it was, others started jumping as well and we just had a great time praising God and worshiping, everybody kind of loosened up a bit, which isn’t always easy over here.  I was truly blessed by that and thankful, that was something I have needed to feel for a long time, free and comfortable worshiping.  So that is what I’m thankful for today or yesterday.

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