Monday, June 13, 2011

Moments I miss my family (and extended family i.e. friends)

Over the last couple of days and experiences I have really missed my family, I think mostly because it is getting into summer and I’m reaching the four month mark and I have been busier so our schedules haven’t linked up like normal so we have talked less.  With all that, plus the near death experience, and the emotions from that I have missed them.  I can tell you it means the world to me when I get a letter from them or an email.  It reminds me that they are thinking of me about as much as I am thinking of them.  It is not always easy being here alone with a million people around.  I am an outgoing person and I can make friends or at least talk to people pretty easily, even non english speaking people (more on that in a later post) but that doesn’t make it any easier when all you really want is to talk to someone who knows you about “normal” life.   
I miss seeing my nephews playing their video games or talking non stop about what is going on with them and what toys they are playing with.  I miss asking them who their favorite aunt is and hearing them say “Aunt Stacee”  I miss seeing my niece and seeing how much she is improving.  I miss talking to my parents about everything that is going on in their lives, mom talking about what is going on and fussing over if I need anything, and dad talking to me about life in general.  I miss my sisters even our bickering and arguing because no matter why or what it is about, it is short lived and we move on and grow closer and stronger.  I miss our big family get togethers, where it doesn’t matter how long it has been since we’ve seen each other we can pick right up like it was only yesterday.  And I miss my friends hanging out playing games, talking on the phone getting a drink and, playing pool (although not very well), playing softball, or rock band.  Sometimes a person just needs to get away and unwind with people who know them.  
Don’t get me wrong I have made several friends here and I have things to do and I can talk to people everywhere I go.  I do talk to people everywhere I go, but sometimes you just want what is comfortable, what is easy, and what is relaxing.  And sometime you just want to see your family!  I love you all!

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