Sunday, June 12, 2011

It has been a while since I’ve written.

I must apologize it has been a while since i’ve written because things got a little busy here and I didn’t make this a priority.  Honestly, I was out of my funk but in a different mood, thinking that honestly people don’t really want to know what is going on over here.  I realized though this isn’t really for anyone in particular, don’t get me wrong I love that people read it and seem interested, but I realized this is for me mostly, for me to remember what things I went though and how I have changed and grown.  As well as simply just a way for me to keep kind of a diary or journal of this year.
So again I am going to make a commitment to myself to make this more of a priority, I want to really remember the things I go though so that I am sure that I don’t forget this time, because this is something that will and has made me grow and change.  It has definitely made me realize how good I have it at home and how much I have.  It is amazing how little you can live on, and I still have a lot  more than just my needs.  So that being said expect in the next few days several entries over the past couple weeks because several things have happened but I was traveling and didn’t really have the time or energy to type about them and get them posted, also my internet access is kind of limited when I am traveling.

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