Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another Great Thing about The Ipad, and being in the Army!

So I got an IPAD maybe a month and a half a go or so and I love it!  There are so many things that I can do with it both work and for fun.  I enjoy being able to take notes on it, being able to read on it, play games on it.  There are all kinds of things I can do, I know this is not an advertisement for the Ipad but I am really enjoying and I am glad that I had the ability to get it and get it shipped here thanks to my sis.  I have really had a great time with it.  
But the other day I found a new and great way to enjoy my ipad.  I was traveling last week I was off my base for about 10 days working on a couple cases.  I was coming back the other day but the weather turned a little bad so we were on a weather hold waiting to get out.  I was with The paralegal from my office and there were about 200 french Soldiers waiting to get out as well.  We were in a small area, at least small for that number of people and it was hot, we also didn’t know when we would be getting out or how long we would be there.  So as the afternoon came around, I found a seat and pulled out my IPad.
I had put a couple movies on the Ipad and thought I might watch one, I started it up and the french guy beside me, leaned back and said something in French (I am assuming it was something about watching a movie to his friends).  However, the volume in the size room and number of people was not hearable.  So he brushed it off and I ended up turning it off, I wasn’t going to be able to hear it.   Well I decided to go ahead and play a game then I thought why not see if he wanted to play too.  He too was board just like me, stuck with nothing to do.  So I showed him what I was doing and offered to let him play.  He did.  By the end I had played Jenga with three of four french Soldier none of which understood hardly anything I said and I didn’t understand anything they were saying.  After several games it got a little old so I decided to see what other games I had, and I had Monopoly.  So I offered to allow them to play that with me as well.  So myself and two French Soldiers sat for about 2 hours and played Monopoly on the Ipad.  We played until I got word that my flight was going to be leaving soon.
I started thinking to my self, how cool, what other job could I have that I can meet and sit with Soldier from another country and play Monopoly.  It didn’t matter that we didn’t understand much if anything that we were saying to each other, we were having fun and passing the time.  It was a very cool experience and one that I am glad I can have here.  I am honestly a pretty lucky person and very blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stacee! I've been thinking about you and praying for you! That IS cool! It kind of made me think of the time we played games at Maureen's house with her international guys! lol :) Allie did a great job teaching them UNO that night without much English, and I think we all had some good laughs afterwards! I hope things are going ok...I'll keep praying!
