Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sleeping while I travel

I knows that I have talked about my travels before and will continue to type about them. Some will probably me more superficial posts and others more in-depth or deeper in thought at least. But I guess that is what this blog is all about right, what it is really like being over here from my perspective.

I do end up traveling a lot mostly because of the large area that myself and another attorney cover as well as the fact that you can't really control where people commit crimes, so I have become pretty comfortable getting from place to place, but, it never makes it easy or what I would call fun. Between convoys, helicopters and fix wing air craft, sleeping outside of military air terminals, and getting up at 0200 in order to walk with all my gear up to a mile in order to catch a flight it is exhausting and never something I really look forward to. The vest and helmet alone that I have to take and wear with me while traveling add at least an additional 35 lbs to my load, not to mention that I have to carry bedding with me. I am learning to travel light and I keep getting better at it.

I think though the worst part of travel is never know where you are going to sleep. I have slept on office floors, in single rooms that are reall just a big tent with plywood walls that don't go all the way up. Ihave slept in small three/four man rooms and then I have slept in tents housing over 100 soldiers. I well say this it makes me appreciate the room and accommodations I have here.

The worst is that I have found people, well at least the females, are not all so respectful of each other. I like music with the best of them but I always carry headphones with me, others are not so nice and late at night will blast their music regardless of who is around. Or they wake up in the morning and have no respect for others that don't have to get up as early as they do, and make noise and shine there lights all over with no consideration. Needless to say the amount of exhaustion increases dramatically when mixed with lack of sleep.

But on a positive note, I am learning to function on minimal sleep as well as learning to sleep in a variety of surroundings and noises. Other good things about traveling is that is does make me appreciate the accommodation I have at the camp I am at. Also i get to see a variety of things, and talk to a variety of people. Plus the more I travel the more familiar I become with the pilots and they watch out for me. The other day I was waiting for a flight and while there a crew chief came in to the terminal and said he was going to a FOB, I made a joke asking if they wanted to drop me off on the way. He laughed and the walked back out to the helicopter then about 5 minutes later he came back and said come on will drop you off. So all in all I can't complain a lot about travel but it is not the most fun part of my job.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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