Saturday, September 10, 2011

Meeting up with my sisters

So yesterday my sisters flew in to meet me which was good because they day that I got into country was not necessarily the best so I was very happy to see them.

I flew in to Paris and got on a train to get to near the airport my sisters we're going to fly into. When I got into town it was crowded and crazy, there were a ton of people wondering around and the sky was about to open up into rain. I decided to go to the tourist information building because I thought they would be able to help me get someplace to stay and tell me how to get around. Man was I wrong. The tourist lady that I went to (I had to pick a number and wait to be called to the counter) was not helpful at all and all she wanted. To do was get on to the next person. I asked her about helping me get a room for the night, I had just seen her place a call for the family in front of me and get them a room. But she told me she couldn't do it, I needed to call myself. When I asked her were I needed to go to call she said outside you can find a phone. Then I said well how would I get to this place (the hotel we were going to stay the next night) where would I go. Her response well it tells you on that paper there. Needless to say she was not very helpful.

So I went outside and went to the phones it started pouring down rain and I couldn't get the phone to work, there were two that took some sort of card and two that should have taken euros, but the money one would not take my money. So soaking wet I walked back in and went straight to another counter, I wasn't going to take a number for that kind of service. I asked the new woman about what I needed to do to make a call and she told me were to go to get a phone call, I then made it very clear to her that I didn't think they should have the woman at the end help tourist because at this point all I wanted to do was leave the city if that is how helpful the people who get paid to be helpful are.

I did take a picture of myself on the train,

Anyway, I went finally got a phone card to use the phone but the number I had didn't work, so I decided to just follow the dictions to the place and ask if they had any beds available. However the directions on the sheet were wrong so I spent almost 2 hours riding trams and walking the streets of Amsterdam before a nice local helped me find the right direction, but it didn't really matter there were no rooms. I was not having a good day and so I decided to take the train back to the airport and just go find any hotel I could. There was a room in the airport hotel so I paid way too much and just hung out there. I did go to the hotel bar and didn't have to pay a single thing for a few beers. That was nice. All in all though things got better after that. My sisters are here now and I will post more pictures and stories as we go. But my sister is also doing a blog

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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