Thursday, September 8, 2011

Traveling can even help you find things

I have arrived in Paris, after three airports and a bus ride I Amin Europe and although getting around on my own is interesting I am figuring it out.

This is by far the most unique way to go on vacation, a helicopter ride a c17 cargo plan, a bus ride and two commercial airlines just to get to Europe and now a train ride to meet up with my sisters in the morning. Plus figuring out where I am going to stay tonight, yikes! But it is excitement and fun that is well worth it, so long as I don't get too lost haha. Oh yeah add on there the first time I have worn real civilian clothes in over six months, I forgot wasn't wearing a button fly the last three times I have gone to the bathroom. But it is fun I wouldn't trade and much needed.

Already I am figuring out that traveling around a lone isn't so bad (although it is harder to take pictures of yourself, but that's ok because I am still pretty nasty from my travels so I don't need pictures just yet.

Traveling is good for other things as well, like finding sd cards that have been lost for months. I assumed they were gone for good but they were just in my wallet change purse which I haven't opened in months either. It is great to have them since I plan on taking lost of pictures. All in all a pretty successful beginning and now the real adventures begin, me trying to maneuver the train stations.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Paris, France

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