Friday, April 22, 2011

I am Thankful For Reminders From Home

Before I left I went to see my Grandpa and he gave me a two dollar bill, said that he was always told to carry it around for luck and he wanted to pass that along to me, so where ever I go I take that bill with me.  Please excuse the look we were in a tent in the middle of a sand storm.  A tent does not keep the sand out.  But it is a constant reminder of my family back home whom I love and miss.

This is my wall in my office, it is the cards and pictures my family and friends and others have sent, I plan on filling this wall.  I come into my office everyday and I am reminded how lucky I am to have people at home supporting and praying for me.  Getting a card or a note or a reminder really boosts my spirits because I remember I am not alone.  So today I am thankful for reminders from home!

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