Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thankful for today

So I didn't get to post yesterday, mostly just poor planning on my part, I posted a couple weeks ago about my friend Laura who died, yesterday was her birthday, she was an avid runner and so a friend of her started a group and asked people to dedicate their miles in her honor.  It was a great way to honor her life, so I wanted to take part in that.  I am thankful for that opportunity.  It is those type of things that reminds you that this life is not about you it is about glorifying God and doing for others.  I know running may not really be doing anything for others but what it was, was a reminder of all that Laura did for others and how one life can touch so many.  That is a reminder that we all should have sometimes.  A reminder that no matter how small we think our contribution maybe, me just being a lawyer over here, our life can impact someone else’s so we should do our jobs live our lives to the fullest because you never know when it will be over and your life will make a difference to someone, your life is not trivial, no matter how trivial YOU think you are, You are not, not if you are living your life to the fullest and to serve others.

This brings me to what I am thankful for today!  I am thankful for the Risen son of God, Jesus.  I would be nothing without my faith.  I have from the beginning known that this is where I am suppose to be because of my faith.  There are many struggles and there are times I am in a funk, but that knowledge that peace of knowing I am still where I need to be has always been present.  “ And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this.” Ruth 14b.  That verse runs through my head constantly when I am struggling, it is a reminder that All things work for the good of those who love Him.  I am thankful for Christian mentors who help remind me and point me in the right direction, there is a lot of time to reflect on things here because you are isolated more alone.  I realize I need to force myself to be outwardly focused and give my struggles over to God, I am thankful I have the cross to turn to.

1 comment:

  1. I heard a great sermon in the chapel today.
    Being in the house of God while deployed is all about never being far from home, particularly on Easter.
