Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Believe in Free Speech and will Defend your right BUT….

                So this morning I was woken up by the sound of an explosion and small arms fire coming in the not to far distance, but far enough to strain a bit to hear.  It was not the way I would ever like to be woken up.   I then waited and listened to the instructions from the loud speakers, and heard that we had been attacked, on the other side of camp at one of the gates.  It made the deployment real to me I think.  It reminded me why we are here.
I am proud of what I do, I am a lawyer and in the army, I am all about defending the constitution.  But, there has to be a point where before you do something you start to think about others, and how your actions will affect others.  We start learning from a young age that the older we get the more what we do will affect other people.  It is sad when people do all they can to get in the public eye to make sure that they get heard or seen, and yet don’t think about what others will do to get into the public eye to contrast what they are saying or doing. 
                Our base was attacked for the first time in over a year.  The Army stance is that there is no indication that it had to do with the burning of the Koran, but it came on the heels of an attack and death of UN employees and protests in Kandahar which were both in response to the burning that occurred in Florida, coupled with the fact that we haven’t been attacked in a year it seems an odd coincidence.  Soldiers got injured, luckily no was seriously hurt, and other people got killed because someone wanted to exercise their freedom of speech in the most public way possible, and what did he get out of it?  What was the purpose?  It just seems to me that you should have your speech for some purpose especially if you know it has the potential to insight riot.
                As I look back on this I wasn’t scared while we were being attacked, one it was one the other side of the camp from where I was and we have good people protecting us.  I didn’t panic, I didn’t get nervous, I just stayed alert and aware and I listened to what the instructions were and what was going on around me.  It was a reminder to me that I know I am where I am suppose to me.  God is in control and He is my protection. 
                I guess I’m writing this to say, I wish people would think before they speak especially in a public forum.  Try and think how your actions will affect others.  Because you are probably not the one who is going to have to deal with the consequences, someone else is and it might even get someone killed.  And what would it all be for, I hope it is worth it.

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